verFilzt Und zugeNäht: Issue 38
Spring 2013

The cover of the Spring issue 2013 already is a perfect example of colourful and professional felt clothing – a promise fulfilled throughout the whole issue! In a meaningful portrait, the Spanish artist NUNA presents her astounding garments and other objects created from Nuno-felt. Of late she has been taken up quilting also when the felting work rests.
Arlee Barr is intensely engaged with embroidery and quilting. Her poetic, eye-catching style of embroidery is the hallmark of her distinctive style.
Every felted creature out of Ulrike Unterlass-Klingers’ workshop represents good or bad character traits, which certainly many will recognize in themselves as well. Charming allegories in animal form accompanied by entertaining stories will immediately win the heart of any beholder.
Anneke Copier thinks and works in big dimensions. Her fabulous wall felts bestow a certain something unto every room besides making you feel luxuriously protected. Colour and texture are the key elements of the seamless felt clothing by young and modern Anita Hirlekar. Assymmetric and unique, her first collection was received with big cheers on the runway.
Leiko Uchiyama’s vocation led her from sheep shearing to the art of felting itself, an experience not many can boast of. How well leather and felt combine Heather Kerner shows with her bags. The stunning embroideries add to their one-of-a-kind-character.
Through felt Any Völp was able to gather strength and hope again. Now she is happy to pass on her spiritual and practical insights to everyone seeking inner peace and recovery.
If working alone does not suit you, look for like-minded people. A significant example for excellent networking is an exhibition by eleven women, who worked together to present their favourite art. Traditional backgrounds of felting played an important role in this project.
Who would not know them? The »Blues Brothers« are cult figures. And now they exist even in textile form! The exhibition in Dinkelsbühl shouldn’t be missed out.
Traditional patterns with a modern twist play the leading part in the »Tartan« workshops offered by Jeannette Sendler, where shawls and vests are provided with distinct Highland flair. Dahlias with their beautiful, densely packed petals were the floral inspiration for Charlotte Buchs’ beautiful clothing art. The »Cocoon« by Marjolein Dallinga is gigantic in size and light as a fairy at the same time – and you certainly will be interested in the poetic metamorphosis behind it.