Inspiration by Pinterest

The internet is a source of wonderful and inspiring pictures. But saving and sorting these pictures on your computer can be very time consuming. The think is: you don´t have to do that! For the purpose of collecting pictures and arranging pictures in categories, there is the social network Pinterest.

Pinterest is free of charge and has many options that ease the work of collecting, sharing and finding great pictures online. After a short registration you can create and “pin” images, videos and other objects to your pinboard. You can choose if your pinboard is private (only visible for yourself) or public.

Pinterest is a great source of inspiration if you use the search function. Each and every picture and pinboard has a title or name which makes it easy to find suitable pictures. You will be amazed how many great pictures you can find and organize in no time. Try searching felt techniques for example and you find an amazing amount of pictures. We suggest to search in German and English – Pinterest has millions of users worldwide!
All of the public pictures can be “re-pinned” onto other pinboards. That way each user can create their own collection of pictures they like. You can also “like” pictures and follow other users on Pinterest. That way you make sure to keep track on what this user is uploading.

The FUN also has a Pinterest board, you can find it here. We would be happy if you decide to “follow” our account and we are looking forward to see what you pin and like on your pinboard. Enjoy Pinterest!




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