
filzfun: Issue 67 summer 2020

Felting and celebrating together, personal encounters, exchanges of experiences, workshops and a performance exhibit: The filzfun summer issue looks back upon the felt encounter of the Filz-Netzwerk in the Roggenburg monastery, themed »Masquerade«. Shortly afterwards this motto seemed almost prophetic when the Corona crisis called for a general protection of the public by wearing face masks.
When courses, shows and markets were cancelled for months in advance, the pandemic inspired many felt artists to make objects around the subject. We present a choice of wool viruses and Corona hunters in this issue.
In the portraits we present three artists who could not be more different, despite their shared favorite material, felt. Beate Bossert, the co-founder of this magazine, has tried out many handicraft techniques and ways of expression during her 30 year-long »felt path« – from gnomes and dwarves, true-to-life depictions of fruit and sweetmeats to delicate nuno shawls and art objects for exhibitions. Fully dedicated to fashion is Diana Nagorna, who not only designs exquisite garments and accessories, but also plays them to the gallery in her skilful photography. Yaroslava Troynich‘s ravishing hand- and finger puppets – from sheep to duckbill, from fox to frog – cheer up the young as well as the old and are also used in certain therapies.
The renowned Saxon felt artist and author Annette Quentin-Stoll has shown, together with her husband, the photographer Robert Quentin and the Luxembourgeois artist Carine Mertes how well sophisticated photography and multi-faceted felt art can harmonize in a remarkable show titled »Water« in the Duchfabrik in Luxembourg. The show »A Teeswater Year« by the


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You can download the English supplement for this issue here.

textile artist Yvonne le Mare and the photographer Melissa Peakman is based on the same combination but proceeds on a different approach. The photos show scenes from daily lives of sheep breeders and their animals over the course of the year as well as extraordinary felt clothe made from the curly wool of Teeswater sheep.
Who, in times of Corona and #wirbleibenzuhause (we stay at home), would love to retreat in a wooly little house of one’s own can felt and decorate such a dream palace in toy format following the instructions by Delia Grimm. Daisy Palace, Meadow Castle, Rainbow Never Never Land or a tree dwelling – you name it! Since the project is made over a double stencil you get two little houses at once, for dreaming, playing, or as lovely gifts.


Table of Contents


  • Out of the Felt and Textile Scene


  • Feltmaking Feast in the Sign of the Mask
  • Transformative Felt


  • Inspiration and Interpretation
  • Wool and Water
  • Tribute to the Teeswater Sheep

Artists’ Portraits

  • Beate Bossert: Thirty Years on the Felting Path
  • Diana Nagorna: Felt Fashion in Perfection
  • Yaroslava Troynich: A Handful of Animals


  • Daisy Castle and Meadow Palace


  • Feltmaking 4.0
  • See with Your Hands
  • Felt Fashion from Mongolia

Sheep & Wool

  • Rams’ Market without the Public
  • Bentheim Landschaf

Felting Journey

  • Following the Nomad’s Trails in Kyrgyzstan (Part 2)

Felting History

  • Vintage Felt Carpets from Kopriwschtiza


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