Textile Art Trail
The first German “Textile Art Trail” will be realized from June 2 to October 11, 2013 at the township Much.
It is impressive, that 194 creative applications have been send in. The Atelier Silke Bosbach is currently selecting 20 of the applicants that will be chosen to realize their work at the Art Trail as an outdoor exhibition.
Guided tours with Silke Bosbach through the Art Trail are planned, you can already enlist to be able to join one of the tours. A publication will display the Textile Art Trail and its outdoor objects at the township Much.
From June 2013 onwards
at the Family Trail in 53804 Much, Germany.
A special event will be held for experienced felt makers early next year:
The extraordinary artist Lisa Klakulak from the U.S. will make workshops in June and July 2013 in Germany and the Netherlands. Thanks to Ricarda Aßmann, Andrea Noeske-Porada and Dorie can Dijk these workshops will take place on Europe.
Lisa Klakulak visits the Netherlands
Sculptural Hollow Mold Techniques
From June 20 to 22, 2013
The content of the workshop will be the different shrinkage levels of pre-felt on a two-dimensional model. Participants will learn shaping options that extract from pre-felts in the shape of surfaces or multidimensional models. Firm felted wool, hand sewed structures and stiffening shellac allow the objects to have class and presence.
Felt and Fibre Combinations: Layers, state of surface and edging techniques
June 24 to 26 in 2013
The workshop Felt and Fibre Combinations teaches the making of edges, the finals of wavy edges and laps of combinations of felt and cloth textiles. Techniques will be explored that make the design of surfaces with different pre-felts and cloths possible. Participants will also learn to embroider the surface in the end of the creative process.
Information and registration:
Lisa Klakulak in Germany
Consolidated Felted Jewelery (Cologne/Bonn)
July 1 to 3, 2013
The workshop concentrates on different techniques of preparation, starting with the prepping of dry wool onto needle or wet felting techniques. These techniques help to combine the formed and flat felt objects to design and create consolidated dimensions. For the design of the surfaces parts of handfelted pre-felts and nuno-felts will be used. Thoroughly felted surfaces, flowing forms and fine compositions result in a sophisticated and durable felt.
Sculptural Surface Design (Wiesbaden)
July 5 to 7, 2013
Elevated and compact felted surfaces in three-dimensional forms are the topic of these workshops. The surfaces evolve from prepped dry wool with needle and wet felting techniques. With the help of special arrangements into the surface participants will be able to create high-relief surfaces. On top participants will also gain experimental experiences, for example how to use the shrinking of pre-felts for a wavy surface.
Sculptural Hollow Mold Techniques (Wiesbaden)
July, 9 to 11, 2013, description see above
Information and registration:
»familiar strangers«
October 6 to December 8, 2012
Exhibition by Dagmar Binder
Shirdak · 1016 HC Amsterdam (NL) · Website
Get information about the project here
»A Kingdom of Heaven
for a Rocking Horse«
December 15 to 16, 2012
Exhibition by Amelie Anke Merzbach and a crafts market
Penzinger Schloss · Germany · Website
»Dyeing with Acid Colors«
Workshop with Gabriele Breuer
on May 10 and 11, 2013
»Elastic Structures«
Workshop with Annette Quentin-Stoll
August 19 to 21, 2013
»Flexible Tail- Hat or Playobjects«
Workshop with A. Quentin-Stoll
August 21 to 23, 2013
ML-Filzwerkstatt · Germany · Website