EUNIQUE | International Fair for Applied Arts & Design
At EUNIQUE, the International TradeFair for Applied Arts & Design, quality is the number one focus. When the event is held next year for the fifth time at Karlsruhe Trade Fair Center between 7 and 9 June 2013, it is once again this commitment to quality that will allow it to stand out from other consumer goods fairs that are geared primarily towards quantity. Innovative applied artists and designers have been exploring how people will design their homes in the future. At EUNIQUE, their answers to this question can be found in the form of unique creations, prototypes and small-volume series of a peerless diversity and quality. Accordingly, these artists and designers cannow apply to take part in this European top design event.Up until 28 September 2012, exhibitors can benefit from thereduced early-bird rate, saving almost 10% in the process. Afterthis date, the regular fee will apply for applicants until the 28December 2012 deadline. In order to ensure a consistently highstandard of quality at EUNIQUE, participants are selected by aninternational panel of judges. The artists who are selected first arethen included in the fair’s extensive communications strategy –another good reason to sign up early.EUNIQUE exhibitors not only stand to benefit from the first-classsurroundings of the Karlsruhe exhibition halls, but also fromKarlsruhe as a creative hub that attends very much to the needs ofthe design scene. As EUNIQUE Project Manager Kai Richter puts it:“The city authorities have recognised the enormous potential of thecreative industries and are actively promoting Karlsruhe as a centreof innovation. The geographic location of the city and, in turn, theease and rapidity with which it can be reached by air, rail and road,is virtually unique. Needless to say, this also adds to the appeal oflocal universities, museums and the Karlsruhe Trade Fair Center.”EUNIQUE 2013 will also be zoning in on relevant social issues, bothglobal and local. Individuality and a new awareness of qualityamong consumers are in constant dialogue with themes such asecology and sustainability. This in turn gives rise to an endlessstream of new developments and ideas that can be seen atEUNIQUE.This means that, with its current themes, EUNIQUE will also bepresenting applied arts and design with a firm focus on the future,integrating key issues such as materials and material combinations,sustainability, reusability and environmental compatibility. Newtalent and small, innovative labels will be showcasing their ownunique creations, prototypes and small-volume series – each asone-of-a-kind as the next.
International Fair
for Applied Arts and Design
7 to 9 June 2013
Karlsruhe Trade Fair Center
EUNIQUE is Europe's leading fair for applied arts, featuring both one-of-a-kind objects and very small limited editions. It is being held at Karlsruhe Trade Fair Center for the fifth time.
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