ABILMENTE International Workshop Show of Creative Manual Skills
In the section of creativity and handicraft the »Abilmente« is the biggest event in Italy with over 50.000 visitors. Next to exhibitions there are workshops and demonstrations in this 4 day event.
Visitors have the possibility to browse through the exhibition, try something new in a workshop and find inspiration at the stalls of the exhibitors. You can find many different creative techniques presented on the »Abilmente«, like scrapbooking, creative sewing, embroidery, patchwork, felt and many more.
Within the studios of the »Abilmente« working space and exhibitions melt together. Visitors can browse through the creations of the artists in the studios or try new things (like techniques or materials) in workshops.
Craft-Lovers should not miss out on the »Abilmente«. The focus is mainly on patchwork, but each and every technique and material for working with wool and yarn will be represented. Have a look at the list of exhibitors and artists on the website!
International Workshop Show
of Creative Manual Skills
October 17-20, 2013
Fiera di Vicenza
Northern Italy