If you are an author, advertiser or teacher, please find below our closing dates. For your workshops please use the attached document with our guidelines. Prices and sizes of advertisements can be seen on the current pricelist (also available in English). Please bear in mind our guidelines, that makes our work a lot easier. Thanks a lot!

Release Dates

The verFilzt Und zugeNäht comes up forth time a year:
Spring issue: 1.3.2016
Summer issue: 31.5.2016
Autumn issue: 30.8.2016
Winter issue: 23.11.2016

You'll get the latest FUN at all of the station- and airport bookstores in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Czech Republic.

Your Advertisment

Closing dates for advertisements
Spring issue: January 15th
Summer issue: April 15th
Autumn issue: July 15th
Winter issue: October 15th

The current price list for advertisements:
Price list of 2021 (.pdf)

How FUN Came to Life

When the scene of felters grew in the 1980ies more and more workshops, relevant literature and conventions came up in Germany as well.
The popularity felt gained in the textile field made it a logical consequence to create a special interest magazine. The first issue came up in 1999 when the 4th international felters’ gathering took place. Its name was already »verFilzt Und zugeNäht« – editor was the German felter Beate Bossert. There was a huge interest from the beginning but you can see the magazine’s development not only by its growing popularity but also by its increasing number of pages and its changed look.
We want to thank Beate Bossert and her daugter Jutta for their work over years before they gave it over to usas of #16. Since 2007 the only German-speaking felt magazine was published in the Augsburg MaroVerlag, who do lectorship, layout, type and sales under chief editorship of Marion Käsmayr.
The soaring interest in felting has led to a quarterly publication since 2008. One year later, FUN was also available in station- and airport bookstores in Germany and Austria (since issue #31 also in Switzerland, Luxembourg, Slovakia). A look at the number of subscribers shows the positive development as well: By now, we have more than 3000 subscribers! A further success is the English translation we attach for our non-German speaking readers.
FUN reports about the whole world of felting – since over four years by now. Highlights are the portraits of artists from Germany and abroad, which illuminate their life, preferred techniques and ideas and inspire to become creative yourself. Special topics are felting as therapy, and our new column »sustainability«. The program is completed by glances at other textile fields as well as topics like copyright, felt projects, news and suggestions about material, equipment, techniques, book reviews and our indispensible calendar of events and workshops.
With the beginning of 2014, the publishing house MaroVerlag went back to focusing on books. To secure the future development of the magazine a partner had to be found. The mk publishing GmbH inherited the FUN effective from January 1st, 2014. The former team of the FUN is working together with the new publishing house and its new team to ensure a smooth hand-over. At this point we would like to shout out a big thank you to the former editor in chief Marion Käsmayr, who will stay affiliated with the magazine. Gabriele Betz will continue the work as editor in chief from now on. The contact person for commercial matters is Sabrina Dilger. And Andrea Eibl is the contact person for advertisements. The new publishing home of the FUN has the aim to keep the concept, quality and nature of the magazine the same. MaroVerlag and the new publishing home mk publishing GmbH will be in cooperation in the future. The MaroVerlag will continue to publish Gallery Books that will be available in the FUN-Shop.

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