From Now on: Our Shop accepts PayPal!

We have been working on our online shop and can proudly say that we now ac­cept di­rect Pay­Pal Pay­ments as an of­fi­cial pay­ment meth­ode.
With this im­prove­ment we wanted to do some­thing for our FUN-readers who are liv­ing abroad and we’re hop­ing you will like it!
In our Online Shop you can buy all of the verFilzt Und zugeNäht issues and the textile gallery books.
Of course you can also pay by di­rect debit (with a ger­man bank ac­count) or in ad­vance via international bank transfer.
We are con­stantly striv­ing to make the pur­chase of the FUN as pleas­ant as pos­si­ble for you.


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