filzfun: Issue 49
winter 2015/2016
published on: 08th December of 2015
Creative variety, inspiring ideas and real passion for felt: Those are the ingredients of our winter issue of the filzfun 2015/16! Enter in studios of creative artists and be inspired by unique felt creations. Follow the wool on its way to extraordinary exhibitions, stimulating workshops and artistic projects, for example in South America. Look over the shoulders of participants of the German-Russian felters meeting, gaze at dazzling felt fashion in Berlin and be touched by the joy created by felt making of elderly diagnosed with dementia. An inspiring journey to Uzbekistan, many more topics, book reports and an instruction to felt a scarf turns this issue into a real reading pleasure.
filzfun: Issue 48
autumn 2015
published on: 25th August of 2015
The Autumn Issue 2015 takes you into the rich, creative, and always exciting world of felt making. Creative artists, impressive hat creations, playful accessories, or experimental combinations with felt and mixed media – we always have the impression to be able to grasp the medium felt with our hands.
Reports on exhibitions and events, as well as inspiration from workshops show, how diverse felting is being practiced and they pave the way fornew, own ideas. Felted rabbits that deal with politics and society, sheep shearing without stress, or the first Austrian Felt Art Trail are topics of this issue. Other interesting articles, like an instruction for a new dyeing technique combining batik with eco-print and new book reviews, complete this issue of the filzfun
Reports on exhibitions and events, as well as inspiration from workshops show, how diverse felting is being practiced and they pave the way fornew, own ideas. Felted rabbits that deal with politics and society, sheep shearing without stress, or the first Austrian Felt Art Trail are topics of this issue. Other interesting articles, like an instruction for a new dyeing technique combining batik with eco-print and new book reviews, complete this issue of the filzfun
filzfun: Issue 47
summer 2015
published on: 28th May of 2015
The summer issue oft the filzfun is a real cornucopia of beautiful felt art: visits to art studios of extraordinary felt artists reveal how wool can be transformed into the greatest creations. Reviews of exhibitions worth seeing, events as well as workshops show how divers felt making can be and inspire you to new ideas. Be also inspired by rust dyeing for new felt experiments,rejoice in the transmittals of our readers gallery and get to know the French Ouessant sheep. A robust carpet made of clipped wool makes you want to make your own. Together with many more enjoyable topics and book reviews the summer issue of the fun is complete.
filzfun: Issue 46
spring 2015
published on: 03rd March of 2015
There is a lot to discover in our new Spring issue of 2015: Follow us into artist’s studios in which the medium wool is being transformed into new and admirable creations. Visit exhibitions and workshops that show how wool can develop into something completely new and be inspired to do it yourself!
Did you know that mermaids are not to be envied and flowers can be a lovelybasic material for clothes? We also cover a textile journey to Kyrgyzstan and individual hand-woven bag designs made of recycled plastic bags. We combined a colorful range of topics, with exciting reports, an instruction for the felting of a bird jewel case, and book reviews into bouquet of spring flowers.
Did you know that mermaids are not to be envied and flowers can be a lovelybasic material for clothes? We also cover a textile journey to Kyrgyzstan and individual hand-woven bag designs made of recycled plastic bags. We combined a colorful range of topics, with exciting reports, an instruction for the felting of a bird jewel case, and book reviews into bouquet of spring flowers.
filzfun: Issue 45
winter 2014
published on: 26th November of 2014
The Winter issue of the filzfun 2014/15 shows the versatility of felt in many exciting articles and emphasizes how inspiring it can be to cross some boarders in excess of felt. Different artists open up their studios to us and give us an insight into their distinctive and offbeat working. Reports of exhibitions and events offer you an inspiring view in the felters world. Follow a cultural exchange of needle and thread, learn about the colors of the Andes, be inspired to change some of your habits by a culture of repairing. More exciting content, book reviews and an instruction for an adorable dachshund await you in this Winter issue.
filzfun: Issue 44
autumn 2014
published on: 26th August of 2014
Colorful, exciting, creative and always amazing that’s how the felters world represents itself in this autumn issue of the FUN. It includes great fashion, «animalistic» objects and masks, subtle accessories, and touching art works made by artists from all over the world. Sustainable fashion can be glamorous is one topic, as well as a premium hiking trail with unique felt art.
Exhibition reports, events and workshop insights show how versatile felting is and inspire to new ideas. Set oution the trail of the Kurdish felt vests Ferendji and a look over the shoulder of teens that found felt to be a medium of their very own personality development. An exciting surface technique, the working on felt craters, inspires to start creating for yourself and completes this issue alongside many more exciting articles.
Exhibition reports, events and workshop insights show how versatile felting is and inspire to new ideas. Set oution the trail of the Kurdish felt vests Ferendji and a look over the shoulder of teens that found felt to be a medium of their very own personality development. An exciting surface technique, the working on felt craters, inspires to start creating for yourself and completes this issue alongside many more exciting articles.