verFilzt Und zugeNäht: Issue 13
2nd half 2005
published on: 15th September of 2005
There is an extensive report about the 10th German-speaking Felters' Gathering as a cheerful jubilee celebration in Fehman - an island in the Baltic Sea, the begin of a threepart travelogue about Kyrgyzstan by Annemie Koenenand the 4th International Felters' Gathering in South Tyrol.
verFilzt Und zugeNäht: Issue 12
1st half 2005
published on: 15th January of 2005
A very special and big event with around 200 participants was the world felters' gathering in Hungary that finds its apting space in this issue. Beate Bossert writes about the German »Filznetzwerk (Feltnetwork)« and its goal to connect felters. And thereare portraits of six artists: Judit Pocs, Joanne Circle, Margarete Warth, Tina Dix, Doris Spanowski und Margret Riedl.
verFilzt Und zugeNäht: Issue 10
1st half 2004
published on: 15th January of 2004
Time to celebrate: Ten FUN issues found already their way to felt interested readers! This »jubilee«-issue offers a versatile mixture as usual: The Black Nose Sheep joins to the others in the »Sheep Gallery«, in the artists'portraits we read about Martina Emig-Karner and Beate Thierling.
verFilzt Und zugeNäht: Issue 08
1st half 2003
published on: 05th January of 2003
The problems with the lost data is almost resolved, nearly all addresses refound. This issue offers a versatile mixture as usual: In the »Sheep Gallery« we find worth knowing stuff about the Puszta sheep, Renate Maile-Moskowitz designs a felted ram horn mandala.